“Anti-Semitism and Jewish chauvinism can only be fought simultaneously.”
--Israel Shahak, holocaust survivor and Israeli Peace Activist
Free Speech Press Mandeville, LA 70470
© 2003 by David Duke. New Edition © 2007 by David Duke. All Rights Reserved. Printed and published in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission from the publisher. For information:
Free Speech Press P.O. Box 188 Mandeville, LA 70470. (985) 626-7714
Representative Duke : Internet address:
Copyright 2003, 2007
Printed in the United States of America
Ebook also published in the United States of America Duke, David
ISBN #1-892796-00-8
I dedicate this work to the late Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish supremacism that endangers both Jews and Gentiles.
This work is also in memory the innocent Americans who died in the horrendous attacks of September 11, 2001. The attacks were a tragic consequence of an American foreign policy that puts Israel’s agenda over the security and interests of America.
ACITHOR, 5: P REPACE 5, cctisa.tresaatoateGy cei ois aioe ere ae 13 THE JEWISH QUESTION .........ccscccsccccssccssccssccssccescccssccsscecsseeees 39 2 THE ROOTS OF JEWISH SUPREMACISM .......cccssssssccccssssscceeesssees 59 3 CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM & ISLAM ..........sccccsscccscccscccesccescoesceeeee 79 4 JEWS, COMMUNISM AND CIVIL RIGHTS ...........sscccsccsesccescoeseeeeee 95 5 JEWISH MEDIA SUPREMACY ..........ccscccsccccscccscccscccscecesscsscesees 113 6 JEWISH POLITICAL SUPREMACY..........sccsssssscccccssssccccesssscecoeees 139 7 THE ROOTS OF ANTI-SEMITISM I: ECONOMIC EXPLOITATION... 155 8 THE ROOTS OF ANTI-SEMITISM II: CRIME AND TREACHERY...... 171 9 ISRAEL I: A JEWISH SUPREMACIST STATE .........cccscccssccescoeseees 199 10 ISREAEL II: SUPREMACISM THROUGH TERROR .........sccccsssseeees 215 11 ISRAEL III: TREACHERY AGAINST AMERICA...........0sssccccesssseeees 231 12: A HOLOCACST INQUIRY .nsiis scvesossiasenysdscinandeesecsecsiuesdevsueersnves 263 13 THE JEWISH LED INVASION ..........ccccssssccccssssccccccesssscccscsssccees 311 14 JEWISH EVOLUTIONARY STRATEGY AND CLAIMS OF JEWISH SUPERIORITY iiss csscessicacssecsessecdsavssesccctetseetdeessccacecsesdsecsesacecess 321 TE aeceizc cal eatacrea ans ctcsanacenwivausheecanve steal Macan ene eon acanueanites 343
Author’s Preface
I promise that this book will challenge you. Its amazing documentary evidence will confront some of your most cherished beliefs.
Tf you can put aside, as best you can, the prejudices you may have on this subject and even preconceptions you might have about me personally -- you can more fairly evaluate the ideas and evidence in this book. That is all an author can ask of his reader; and I ask it of you. It is my earnest belief that if you endeavor to keep an open mind, what you read will surprise you.
The real power of this book comes from its documentation from major sources. In fact, you will quickly discover that most of my documents about Jewish supremacism and international Zionism are from Jewish sources. They argue more convincingly for my point of view than anything I could write. I encourage you to go to the sources that I quote and check them out for yourself. In this book, I take you with me on a fascinating journey of discovery in a forbidden subject. I urge you; courageously keep an open mind while you explore the topics ahead. That is the only way any of us can find the truth.
Some will defame this book by calling it anti-Semitic. Yet, it is not considered anti-American to examine historical mistreatment of American Indians. No one calls it anti-Christian to talk about the ex- cesses of the Inquisition. Is one considered anti-White for document- ing the history of Jim Crow in the South? The mass media are filled with stories about the dangers of Muslim extremism. No one says that it is anti-Muslim to examine extreme elements of Muslim fundamental- ism. This book dares to examine a forbidden topic: Jewish extremism.
This book is not anti-Semitic; it simply examines and documents the powerful extremist elements of ethnic supremacism that have ex- isted in the Jewish community from historical to modern times. This book will prove, and it will do so by mostly Jewish sources, the exis- tence of Jewish supremacist elements in many of the highest echelons of government, media and financial power. Because anyone who ad- dresses this subject is slandered as an “anti-Semite” it is vital that once again before beginning this discussion, that this book has noth- ing against the Jewish people as a whole. I respect many individual Jews; this volume is in fact dedicated to a Jew: the late Israel Shahak.
As an introductory glimpse into Jewish supremacism, I can point to the close relationship of the White House of the United States with a very powerful, extremist Jewish organization, Chabad Lubavitch.
What is Chabad Lubavitch? It is worldwide, ultra-orthodox Jewish extremist organization with members in every leading nation of the world. If you are not familiar with the organization, its racial su- premacism will shock you.
Chabad Lubavitch teaches that Gentiles are unclean, inferior crea- tures whose sole purpose on the earth is to serve Jews. Various Cha- bad rabbis maintain that Jews are literally the DNA of God, while Gentiles are the “supernal refuse of creation.!” They often teach that it
is no sin, and is in fact righteous, to kill or cheat a Gentile. Some read- ers may not want to believe this, but any quick research on the Inter- net to official Chabad sites and the writings of numerous Chabad rab- bis will bear out every word that I say. You will find that everything in Jewish Supremacism is thoroughly documented and referenced. Chabad and other extremist orthodox rabbis frequently author columns in the largest Jewish newspaper in the United States, Jewish Week. In this paper you will find supremacist attitudes that any decent human being would call horrific. Examine the following quote: As for the goyim...Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no re- deeming qualities whatsoever.” ...If every simple cell in a Jewish body
entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. ...
If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. -- Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.
This Statement was made by a leading Lubavitch Rabbi named Yitshak Ginsburgh and it can be found in the April 26, 1996 Jewish Week. Many Christians would doubt the authenticity of the quote simply because they could not believe any religious leader would ac- tually say that it would be moral for a Jew to kill a Gentile and take his liver. In many of my lectures, I bring home the horror of what Rabbi Ginsburgh said by pointing out to the non-Jews in the audience that he argues that Jews have the moral right to murder your mother or father, son or daughter, husband or wife to provide a liver for a Jew. The evil of such a statement is simply beyond the comprehension of most of us, but again, this statement was made in largest, most popular Jewish publication in the United States.
For simply quoting Ginsburgh and exposing Jewish supremacism in my writings and lectures I have been condemned as a hater, anti- Semite and a bigot. I must endure this treatment by the media while Ginsburgh himself has received hardly a whiff of criticism. His state- ment was not one of a lone extremist Jew off somewhere in a remote desert of Israel, but was made by one of the honored leaders of a sect that actually has parties and conferences in the White House.
The New Republic in a May 4, 1992 article revealed the hateful anti- Gentile nature of Chabad Lubavitch.
..there are some powerful ironies in Chabad’s new messianic universalism, in its mission to the gentiles; and surely the most unpleasant of them concerns Chabad’s otherwise undisguised and even racial contempt for the goyim.
...Moreover, this characterization of gentiles as being inherently evil, as being spiritually as well as biologically inferior to Jews, has not in any way been revised in later Chabad writing. (The New Republic)”
The “Great Rebbe” is the spiritual leader of Chabad. He was late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson many Jews worship like a Messiah. Cha- bad claims that Rabbi Schneerson never committed a sin in his entire life, and they gathered by the thousands at his gravesite expecting him to rise from the dead. What did Rabbi Schneerson say about Gentiles?
The following quotes are taken from a book of his recorded mes- sages to followers in Israel, titled Gatherings of Conversations and pub- lished in Israel in 1965. During the subsequent three decades of his life until his death, Rabbi Schneerson remained consistent; he did not change any of the opinions. What Rabbi Schneerson taught became official, Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine. Regarding the non-Jew the Lubovitcher Rebbe’s views were clear:
The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world ...
...An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.
We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”* Only a few courageous Jews have fought against the Jewish su-
premacism and anti-Gentile racial hatred of Chabad Lubavitch. One is Dr. Michael Samuel, a former professor of Judaic studies. Here is an excerpt of a letter he sent about Government funding of a Chabad center in Montreal, Canada:
My name is Michael Samuel. I am a former professor in the Judaic studies department of Concordia University, Montreal, and I have a question for you:
What would you do if a racist cult tried to build its headquarters in your neighborhood? What if the cult targeted specifically young people, teaching them that all Christians and Muslims are:
1. evil, satanic creatures from birth (making all Gentile babies “little
- no better than worms
- Not really living beings at all, but already “dead”
. all to be forcibly converted or subjugated by the “Messiah”
. and that it is their sacred duty to hasten the arrival of this “Messiah” in order to accomplish the forcible conversion or subjugation of non-Jews as soon as possible.
These are just some of the racist teachings of the fanatical messianic cult named "Chabad Lubavitch." This cult, masquerading as “authentic Judaism,” has been promised nearly one million dollars in funding by the government of Premier Lucien Bouchard of Quebec in order to build its new religious and “outreach” (missionary) complex in Cote St. Luc, Montreal.
Why should you care? Because Chabad Lubavitch is not just our problem, it may be yours as well. It is an extremely powerful, worldwide organization. Its power has until now intimidated the media, who are afraid to expose the evidence of racism produced here to the public, lest they be accused of anti-Semitism. We desperately need your help in breaking this media blackout. ...*
Dr. Samuel failed in his efforts to stop the funding of the Chabad Lubavitch center in Montreal. Canada has imprisoned citizens for the “hate crime” of simply criticizing Jewish extremism, but gave this Jewish extremist sect that spouts vicious anti-Gentile hate $800,000 of Canadian tax money. Chabad’s influence goes much further than simply getting tax money; they have an inside track to the most pow- erful political leaders in the world.
The photos show the head of White House policy, Joshua Bolten, as well as President Bush, with rabbis of this extreme Jewish organi- zation, Chabad Lubavitch. The White House regularly invites Chabad rabbis for its celebrations, and even allows them in to teach the many Jewish activists who work there. Chabad Lubavitch rabbis often give the prayer at formal White House Cabinet meetings.
You will look in vain in the popular mass media or in political cir- cles for any serious condemnation of Jewish supremacism. In fact, George Bush actually issued a statement on June 27, 2006 honoring
Head of White House policy, Josh Bolten, and President Bush and with Chabad extremists
the memory of the Great Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Every U.S. President since Rabbi Schneerson’s death has honored this extreme Jewish supremacist. Here is a direct quote from the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reporting on the honoring of Rabbi Schneerson and showing their influence on American policy.
White House to Chabad: Bush won’t press Israel
The Bush administration will not force Israel into unilateral concessions, top White House officials told representatives of the Lubavitch movement.
Chabad Lubavitch culminated a two-day commemoration of the 12th an- niversary of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s death with meetings Wednesday with Michael Chertoff, the Homeland Security secretary, and Joshua Bolten, the White House chief of staff. Both men are Jewish.
Bolten and other White House officials assured Chabad representa- tives that President Bush would never force Israel to concede territory to the Palestinians without a quid pro quo, participants said. Bolten said Bush would follow Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s lead in de- ciding what concessions to support”
If space permitted, I could show pictures of Chabad leaders with every president since Richard Nixon. I could show pictures of Chabad leaders with President Mitterrand of France, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Victor Yushchenko of Ukraine and even President Putin of Russia.
It is not just the bearded extremists of Chabad that have such su- premacist sentiments, many of the publicly acknowledged, most in- fluential Jews of the United States. A perfect example is Stephen Steinlight. He served for five years as the Director of National Affairs for the largest and most powerful Jewish organization in the United States, the American Jewish Committee. He made the following re- marks in an article on immigration in a national Jewish magazine in October of 2001:
Pll confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi- separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest vir- tue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the su- periority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensi- tive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one. ...
If any Gentile politician dared to say that “typical Jewish kids” are deliberately taught that their real loyalty is not to America but to Israel; and that Jews say they are superior to Gentiles in intelligence and morals, he would be mercilessly condemned by the media and hounded out of politics as an anti-Semite. Yet, this stark admission is by the former head of National Affairs for the American Jewish Committee. It should be emphasized that Steinlight’s words are not from an off-handed or careless conversation, but are his carefully chosen words from a major article he wrote for Jewish consumption, called “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demographics.”
If this leading American Jew is accurate, a real threat exists to the United States. For if “typical Jews of his generation” are indeed loyal to Israel over the nations in which they live, is there not a danger that they could use their influence in media and government to serve the Zionist agenda? This book will show how powerful Jewish supremacists have used their influence to steer America into a Mideast policy catastrophic to American interests. Israeli-centric Middle East policies have led America to suffer the horrific terrorism of 9/11.
This volume will show that they have led us to the carnage and disaster of the Iraq War -- a war that has led to 500,000 Iraqi dead, and has cost tens of thousands of American wounded or dead, untold bil- lions of dollars, and hurt American interests all over the world. Does anyone still not know that this war was a war for Israel not America?
Any Gentile politician who would claim that some powerful Jews are disloyal to the nation in which they dwell; and that they are more loyal to Israel and the Jewish agenda, would clearly face career sui- cide. And what would be the reaction to George Bush or any White leader who said that he believed the White race to be superior? Yet, for some reason Steinlight’s account of naked Jewish supremacism re- ceived not a word of attention in the media or political establishment.
Any criticism of Jewish extremism is immediately condemned as “anti-Semitism.” The chronic media recital of the horrors of the Holo- caust has made the term “anti-Semitic” morally equivalent to the en- dorsement of mass murder. The word itself shuts down reason and evokes heat rather than light. The word is flagrantly overused; it is even used against those who simply protest Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians.
Iam reluctant to begin my book by saying what it is not. The media climate, however, forces me to do so.
Due to the overwhelming power of the media to distort what I say and write, I state emphatically here and now that I do not oppose all Jews, any more than an author examining the excesses of the Inquisition opposes all Christians. Specifically, Jewish Supremacism examines a long record of Jewish supremacist ideology and history that has had a powerful and damaging effect on both the Jewish and Gentile world.
I will be the first to acknowledge that not all Jews support or share in this supremacism. In fact, a number of courageous Jews have suffered greatly for opposing it. One of them: an Israeli professor, Dr. Israel Shahak, was a professor at Hebrew University. He offered strong evidence that Jewish radicals have waged an unrelenting ethnic war against Gentiles since the days of their sojourn in Egypt. Dr. Shahak believed that this extreme chauvinism has helped bring about centuries of repeated anti-Semitic reactions, ranging from the pogroms of Pharaoh to the horrors of what is now called the Holocaust. He persuasively argued that unless both Jews and Gentiles
courageously stand up against this supremacist agenda and its power, it will continue to pose a severe danger to Jews and Gentiles alike.”
Not only will this book show the existence a Jewish supremacist ideology, it will demonstrate that those who embrace this ideology wield immense power in media, government and world finance. They are powerful enough in the early years of the twentieth century to have sent American servicemen to be maimed or die by the tens of thousands in the Iraq War, a war based on the “weapons of mass destruction lie and other lies that they promoted practically unchallenged in their media. The war was certainly against every true interest of the United States of America. Now, they plan new wars and new catastrophes for America and for the world.
This book is ultimately about lessening both the dangers and the hatreds between our peoples. This cannot happen until both Jews and Gentiles hear the other side of the Jewish Question, a point of view currently forbidden in the modern world.
As I write the lines of this preface, I sit on a mountain in the Colo- rado Rockies named after the aspen tree, whose shade I now enjoy. Its cylindrical leaves turn easily in the cool breeze, reflecting the sunlight and affording me a magical image. Through those glittering leaves I can see snow capped peaks on the horizon. The sight pleases both my eyes and my soul. From this mystic place, I cannot see a single human being; only the magnificence of Nature fills my eyes. Questions of politics, culture, religion, nationalities, ethnicity and race seem far away from here. From this vantage point, the world and even Nature herself appear serene. Yet, when I look closely at the scenic beauty of Nature, I can see conflict and war that far eclipses even the worst turmoil found in mankind.
Here on this mountain a never-ending struggle rages of element against element and species against species. The wind, rain and snow will someday level these great mountains of rock. Even the flowing stream, the ultimate symbol of serenity for many people, violently fights for its life of movement against the mountain. Indeed, in time this great mountain will eventually succumb to even the tiniest rivu- lets of water and the other erosions of Nature.
As I write in my notebook, two ants approach a peach pit on the rock beside me. One ant is larger and very differently equipped than the other. He has his way over the smaller one, but the vanquished creature runs back to his kingdom to report the great store of sweet food. His relatives will seek to return to the treasure before their competitors. The two tiny breeds might even go to war over the morsel. My eyes open to the war waged all around me.
On this mountain, the trees, bushes and grasses compete for the sunlight and life itself. Smaller birds keep wary eyes out for hawks. The flora and fauna face the danger of death from the insects and parasites seeking to consume them. Even within every life form, a mi- croscopic war rages. The more closely one looks, the more intense the battle. In one cubic meter of rich soil there are more living creatures injured, killed, eaten or even exploited and enslaved than all the numbers of human beings on earth who have faced a similar fate. Bi- ologists could offer endless examples of the never-ending battle for life and dominance between life forms, enough to fill a million books the size of this one.
Yet, oddly, it is this brutal struggle of survival waged over a billion years that produced the serene beauty that so touches my heart as I look out from this high place. So, perhaps this mountain is not so unlike the eternal battles among humankind. The historical struggle among human races has played a powerful role in our human evolu- tion just as it has for all life forms throughout the natural world. Its result for humanity is no less breathtaking than the view from this mountain. It produced a higher humanity that has given us the art of DaVinci’s Madonna and Child, the ultimate expressions of sublime love found in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet or Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn.
The eternal struggle created the evolutionary advances that en- abled our kind to put our footprints on the moon. It is still hard to grasp that human beings have walked on another world and actually traveled to the golden orb of light that mankind has gazed up at with wonder for millennia. Could these things have been achieved without the evolutionary struggle for life and dominance that has driven us upward? An argument can surely be made that it is this life and death struggle for evolutionary fitness that produced the beautiful and ul- timate forms of love and achievement that in turn give us meaning. This struggle created the beauty in mankind and the glory of its crea- tions, just as a seemingly cruel Nature created the stark splendor seen on this mountain I love.
So perhaps, up here surrounded by a magnificent portrait of Na- ture, Iam not in a world very far removed from the human conflicts down below. Most people see the seemingly serene vistas of Nature and never guess the war that rages underneath its aesthetic canopy. There are also those who are unaware of the racial and ethnic wars boiling both on and under the surface of humanity.
I seek to lessen the hatreds between mankind and offer a vision of every people having the right to preserve their heritage and their freedom. You cannot work to end a war, if you don’t even acknowledge that it exists. This book is about an ethnic war being raged for 3,000 years being waged by one extremist group against the rest of humanity.
Although we fantasize about the peace-loving nature of human be- ings, most of human history is a record of tribal, ethnic or racial war of one kind or another. For instance, the most read book on earth, the Bible, records the bloody history of the conflict between the Israelites and the other peoples of the Middle Eastern region. It tells glorious stories of war and shocking accounts of genocide. Anyone who reads the Old Testament with unbiased eyes will readily discern its domi- nant theme of racial and ethnic supremacism. There are many blatant expressions of ethnic supremacism:
e Israelites are a "chosen people," chosen by God above all the other peoples of the world. °®
e Israelites have a right to rule over all other people and are prom- ised that they will someday own and rule over the whole world. °
e Israelites boast of genocide against whole peoples and kingdoms. '°
e Israelites are commanded to murder all the people of the lands where they intend to live, and to kill all the people of foreign na- tions that do not submit themselves in slavery. "*
e Israelites are forbidden to make slaves of their own people, but are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites whom they may pass down as slaves to their descendants forever. ’”
e Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or "mix their seed" with other peoples. '°
Few people dare to even acknowledge the blatant racial suprema- cism of the Bible. And those who become aware of the extreme Jewish supremacism in the Old Testament tend to believe that such sentiments are relegated to ancient times and have no influence on the present. Jewish Supremacism, however, shows that the powerful ethnocentrism of ancient Judaism has continued to thrive to the modern day. I will offer compelling evidence that Jewish supremacism is alive and well in the 21st Century. It has a dramatic and increasing effect on world events.
It can be said that I as a Christian also revere the same Old Testa- ment books of supremacy. The difference, of course, is that the Chris- tian New Testament represents a profound shift from the Old. In place of an “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” Jesus Christ taught “turn the other cheek.” In contrast to Jewish supremacism, Christianity offers universal salvation.
Judaism bitterly rejected Jesus Christ and has never enjoyed his teachings of love and tolerance. In fact, not only did the Jewish high priests, the Pharisees, pursue the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, these leaders guided their faith in the opposite ideological direction. It can be said that in addition to the crucifixion of Christ’s body, they killed his spirit in their own hearts.
It would be wrong to hate or persecute present-day Jews because of the role of Jewish leaders in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but it is
important to understand the ideological, religious and ethnic war born during those times.
From the earliest days of Christianity, Jewry became its chief per- secutor, for the Pharisees saw the Christian salvation of both “Jew and Greek” as a threat to their ethnic purity and supremacism. It should be said that Judaism is also diametrically opposed to the Muslim faith, which like Christianity also has been interpreted as a universal message. Not only did Jewish supremacists oppose Jesus himself, they mercilessly persecuted his followers, the early Christians.
Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him (John 7:13) *
. . for you suffered like things of your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out and displease God, and oppose all men (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16) '°
Over the next few centuries, they codified Jewish oral tradition and adopted the Babylonian Talmud as their most important religious text. According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, it even supersedes the Torah in authority.1° As Jesus Christ represents an evolution of greater love and tolerance, the Talmud only intensified the Torah’s chauvinism. I will thoroughly document this fact from Jewish texts themselves and through quotes from major Jewish scholars who dis- cuss the Talmud’s meaning. The Talmud’s unashamed and frequent references to non-Jews as animals and “supernal refuse,” 1” as well as accounts of boiling their enemies in semen and excrement?8 are ex- pressions of racial hatred that would have made Hitler blush.
I will prove this controversial statement in this book and even show how mainstream Judaic authorities, such as uncensored editions of another major Jewish resource, The Jewish Encyclopedia, confirm the Talmud’s hateful anti-Gentile teachings. I will also show that rabid anti-Gentile teachings are still promoted in modern times by many of the largest Jewish publications, such as the most popular Jewish newspaper in the United States, The Jewish Press. More than any other newspaper, it sets the tone of Jewish religious and cultural attitudes.
One of its primary religious authorities is Rabbi Simcha Cohen, who has an instructional Dear Abby-type column called Halachic Ques- tions. Not long ago, Rabbi Cohen instructed his readers that the Tal- mud denotes Gentiles as “animals” (as outlined by Talmudic writings from Gemara Kiddushin 68a and Metzia 114b).19 In another section he discusses how a Jewish woman is not designated as a prostitute if she has premarital sex with a Jew, but she is a whore if she has any sexual relations with a Gentile, even if she is married.
Marriage to a Gentile can never be sanctified or condoned, such a liaison classifies the woman as a zona...common parlance interprets the term zona to refer to a prostitute...
Another major Jewish publication, The Jewish Chronicle, in an article called “Some Carefully and Carelessly Chosen Words,” reveals that
the Jewish word for Gentile woman is the offensive Yiddish word shiksa — meaning “whore,” from the Hebrew root, sheigetz (“abomina- tion”). It also pointed out that a little Gentile girl is called shikselke, meaning "little female abomination." 71
Shiksa — the Jewish term for a Gentile woman, from the root word sheigetz meaning “abomination” or “whore.”
Shikselke - a Gentile little girl, meaning “little female abomination.”
How would Jews and the media react if Gentiles casually referred to Jewish women and little girls as “Jewish whores” and “little Jewish whores”? What would happen to any politician or entertainer in the world who referred to Jewish women and little girls as Jewish whores? Am I now supposed to be called an anti-Semite because I simply dare to expose such hateful anti-Gentilism proven in the two most influential Jewish newspapers in America?
The Talmud’s extreme supremacist teachings have certainly been a powerful factor in preventing assimilation of the Jewish people with Christian and Muslim communities. Even though Jews have lived as only a small minority in Gentile nations for more than 3000 years, ma- jor Jewish geneticists and anthropologists proudly assert that Jews have preserved their distinctive genetic identity.” I will show how supremacist doctrines of fear and hatred of Gentiles, along with no- tions of Jewish superiority, are carefully instilled in every generation. Every young Jew learns of the perfidious nature of the Gentiles from Pharaoh to Hitler. They are taught that they are “chosen” above all people on earth: perhaps the ultimate expression of ethnic superiority.
This volume will show that the official policies of modern Israel and many of the leading elements of World Jewry still embody radically supremacist sentiments and policies. Organized Jewish elements around the world doggedly pursue their own supremacist agendas. Those agendas frequently conflict with the interests of the host nations in which they live.
My assertion that there exists a powerful, cohesive, worldwide Jewish supremacism finds confirmation in evidence mostly provided by the Jewish supremacists themselves. Their supremacist ideology finds clear enunciation in the foundation, structure and conduct of Is- rael, a nation unabashedly based on an ethnic supremacism. It is a state that has dispossessed, terrorized and grossly violated the human and civil rights of the Palestinian people.
What is Jewish Supremacism?
The definition of White supremacism from the Random House un- abridged Webster’s Dictionary denotes it as "belief in superiority over other races and retaining of control in all relationships." Let’s take the definition and apply it specifically to the term Jewish supremacism.
Jewish supremacism - The belief, theory or doctrine that the Jewish people are superior to all others and should retain control in all relationships.
As to the first part of the definition, this book assembles powerful evidence that many of the leading Jews of the world have a belief, theory or doctrine that they are superior to all other peoples. I will also clearly show that they seek control in all relationships with other peoples. David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, often called the “George Washington of Israel” said specifically that he believed in the “moral and intellectual superiority” of the Jewish people.” That sen- timent is frequent in the writings of Jewish leaders throughout the world. Imagine the outcry if the President of the United States pro- nounced that he believes in the moral and intellectual superiority of the White race! The Jewish dominated world media have so shielded Jewish supremacists from criticism that their most famous leaders can say such things without fear of any repercussion.
There was no outrage expressed by the world press when Ben- Gurion made his remark, nor did any protest ensue from his su- premacist prophecy quoted in Look magazine in 1962; a prediction that Israel would one day sit atop a one world government.
"In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly Cnited Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind." 2
It also seemed cruelly ironic to his Palestinian victims that there was little outcry when the boastful terrorist Menachem Begin was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Begin brags in his book, The Revolt, about the massacre of over two hundred men, women and children at Deir Yassin. > The world hunts down suspected Nazi war criminals, but gives a blood-stained Jewish one...the Nobel Peace Prize! That one event should tell us who is really supreme in the modern world.
The other necessary part of the definition of suwpremacism denotes having control over other races. I will argue that Jewish supremacists seek to control the nations in which they dwell. They make concerted efforts to dominate the two most critical factors of power in the mod- ern world, mass media and government. This book provides docu- mented evidence of their incredible supremacy in these sectors. This extreme concentration of power exists not only in America, but in most of the major nations of the world including Canada, Britain, Russia, France, Brazil and many more. It is a universal pattern sug- gesting design rather than accident.
Israel: A Jewish Supremacist State Israel came into being by massive ethnic cleansing and displace-
ment of Palestine’s indigenous population. At the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Jews made up only 10 percent of the population
of what today is Israel. After the Zionist terrorists drove out the Brit- ish and expelled most of the Palestinian population in 1947 and 1948, Jewish supremacists established Israel. It still scrupulously preserves the cultural and genetic identity of the Jewish people.
Israel protects its Jewish control over its ethnic enclave by carefully guarding its ethnic makeup. It bases its immigration on a genetic standard and limits immigration almost exclusively to those of biological Jewish descent. An atheist Jew from New York City who has never stepped foot inside Israel is financially helped to immigrate, while hundreds of thousands of Palestinians whose families lived there thousands of years cannot return to their birthplace.
Israel is not a "multicultural nation." It is unashamedly a Jewish state devoted exclusively to the interests, heritage and religion of the Jewish people. A nation with a sizable Palestinian minority, it is cer- tainly the most rigidly segregated society in the world. Separate schools exist for Jews and Arabs, separate apartment complexes, sepa- rate neighborhoods and separate settlements. Many policies adversely affect Palestinians as compared to Jews. For instance, Palestinians are forbidden from joining normal units of the military. A former mem- ber of Israel’s Supreme Court, Haim Cohen, described the system that applies to Jews and Palestinians in Israel as similar to "Nuremberg laws" of Nazi Germany:
...the bitter irony of fate which has led the same biological and racist laws propagated by the Nazis and which inspired the
infamous Nuremberg laws, to serve as a basis for the definition of Judaism within the State of Israel. 26
I go deeply into the subject of Israel in the body of this book, but I should not leave the subject now without pointing out that the Jewish supremacism that dominates Israel receives little negative press around the world. Consider the positive press that Israel receives as compared to the unanimous and universal media condemnation that was heaped upon the former apartheid regime in South Africa. Condemnation of South Africa was hypocritically led by an American media thoroughly dominated by Israeli partisans.
I slowly became aware of a dual morality permeating Jewish- Gentile relations. Jews preach one morality for themselves and an- other for the non-Jewish world. Their highest morality is one of racial pride, solidarity, tradition and self-interest. But they preached diver- sity and liberalism for their perceived competitors. If such dualism did not exist, how could the Jewish-dominated American media:
e Support the nation of Israel, which promotes Judaism in its
schools, while opposing even the singing of Christmas carols in American public schools?
e Support the nation of Israel, which has strictly segregated schools, communities and facilities for Jews and Arabs, while
condemning segregated schools and housing in America and South Africa?
e Support the nation of Israel, with its restrictive “Jews Only” immigration laws, while subverting American attempts to curtail even illegal immigration?
e Support the nation of Israel, which allows every Jewish citi- zen to carry a machine gun if desired, while advocating gun control for American citizens?
e Support the nation of Israel, which openly states its mission to preserve the Jewish people and heritage, while condemning Palestinians who desire their own state, and scourging European-Americans who dare to advocate the preservation of the Western heritage and culture in America?
e Always depict the historical relations between Jews and Gen- tiles with the Gentiles as evildoers and the Jews as innocent victims, while condemning Gentiles as “anti-Semites” if they dare defend themselves from such ethnic slanders?
Such double standards in the mass media raise other questions. Why is the world press so myopic in regard to Israel’s ethnic suppres- sion? Is it reasonable to suspect that the bias in the press could be a result of a preponderance of Jewish power? Regarding subjects such as Jewish supremacism, this domination certainly affords a reason why the term Jewish supremacism, unlike White supremacism, is never used by the press. Nor is the concept even explored. Even when Meir Kahane called Palestinians “dogs” and advocated forcibly expelling all Palestinians from Israeli occupied territory, he was never referred to as a Jewish supremacist.
On February 25, 1994, an American Jew, Baruch Goldstein, entered a mosque in Hebron and machine-gunned Palestinians at prayer, kill- ing 29 of them. Some Jewish groups in both America and Israel have since made Goldstein a saint, building shrines for him both in Amer- ica and in Israel. Neither Goldstein nor those who have built shrines to him are ever referred to as Jewish supremacists or even as “anti- Gentiles.” 27 On the opposite hand, if a Gentile even dares to quote the statement by Haim Cohen comparing Israel’s laws to Nazi Nurem- burg Laws, he will certainly find himself labeled an “anti-Semite” by the media.
The double standard of world governments and the press is often quite amazing. President George W. Bush, in the aftermath of the World Trade Center bombings of September 11, 2001, announced that any nation that harbors terrorists will feel the wrath of American bombs.
Not long after this pronouncement, Mr. Bush dined with one of the world’s worst terrorists, the Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon. As the world knows, Sharon has a long record of terrorism and murder, including responsibility for the massacre of 1,500 men, women and women children in the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Lebanon.
During dinner, Mr. Bush did not so much as drop an olive on Mr. Sharon. Unlike hapless Afghanistan, no American bombs have fallen on Tel Aviv for harboring terrorists. In fact, Israel not only harbors terrorists, it has elevated many to be their supreme leaders. Sharon is not the first terrorist who made it to Prime Minister; some of the worst terrorists who achieved that position are Begin, Shamir and Barak.
One might argue that the existence of a supremacist Israeli state does not necessarily mean that the Diaspora (Jews outside of Israel) has the same supremacist agenda. However, one should consider the fact that organized Jewry all over the world devotedly supports the su- premacist state of Israel. Secondly, there is ample evidence that poli- cies of Jewish supremacy extend far beyond the boundaries of Israel. Powerful Jews in media and government around the world frequently act to exert control over the peoples among whom they live.
A Worldwide Agenda
Organized Jewry can be clearly shown to have had worldwide strategic objectives since the beginning of the last century. For instance, an early 20 Century goal of Russian and World Jewry was the overthrow of what they considered to be the anti-Semitic, Czarist government of Imperial Russia. Jewish communities around the world supported the establishment of a proto-Jewish, Communist regime in Russia. They provided most of the leadership and financing”* for the "Russian Revolution," a revolution that was actually more Jewish led than Russian led. Its chief financier was in fact the New York Jewish capitalist and extreme Jewish supremacist, Jacob Schiff. ?°
One of the